Cranial deformation in babies.
Link to experts.

The CRANIOfORM®-network: by doctors for doctors

Our interdisciplinary, pan-European network is perfectly integrated, the disciplines and tasks are coordinated sensibly together, the measures are effectively bundled - up to the production of our CRANIOfORM® helmet, which was jointly developed by doctors and engineers, planned individually for each patient, designed and then manufactured under strict quality controls (only Swiss Made and Made in Germany).

Close cooperation with renowned university hospitals both nationally and internationally and numerous specialists provides easy access to the latest research and scientific findings which are constantly being integrated into CRANIOfORM® development work. CRANIOfORM® runs scientific studies to diagnose and treat cranial deformities and has an independent network of specialists to participate in them, currently they are involved in a study at the University of Bern (Kommission für Technologie und Innovation KTI).

Our strong European CRANIOfORM® network creates synergy effects which not only helps us to keep abreast medical and technological trends but also let us react extremely quickly.

We have a broad yet very stable position, making us able to place the greatest of our knowledge for the smallest among us (Dr. Christoph Blecher):

·         When treating positioning cranial deformations

·         To redirect growth after surgery for craniosynostoses

·         In the manufacture of protective helmets

CRANIOfORM® doctor: Expand your treatment spectrum with us!

We use our CRANIOfORM® easyline to provide CRANIOfORM®therapy onsite with our local physicians. We are now even closer to our patients. We thus offer you a sensible expansion to your therapeutic spectrum as a doctor and network partner. As a participant with a strong CRANIOfORM® networkin the background, you will receive training and professional equipment. 

This provides a dual advantage to parents of your tiny patients: First of all, you are involved "their" familiar and trusted doctors is providing the diagnosis and treatment. Second, guardians no longer need to travel great distances, such as to the closest CRANIOfORM university hospital.

Please contact us if you are interested in being a part of the European network of specialists at CRANIOfORM®